Saturday, October 25, 2008

What is the weirdest place you have ever been?

What is the weirdest place you have ever been? Mine is the Denver airport!!! You park
under weird,big, and crazy tents!!!! I am in Texas, by Friday I will have pics of all of the
places I have been!!! I have been mostly hanging out at the Texas University! The campass
is so big!!! I cant believe how much fun it is to!!! I am going to a big football game! The two
best teams!!! Texas vs Oklahoma State!!!! But, I can't wait to go back to Utah!!! I will be back
in Utah on Monday!!!!I probably wont be at school till Tuesday. Texas ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Ashly said...

That is sooooo cool!!! I wish i could go to to texas!!!! the weirdest place ive been is...hmm...the strip in lasvegas and the antique stores in hawaii!!! Those places have creepy people in them!!! But such cool stuff!!! U never told me the stuff that will happen if i get a myspace!!!